
Posts Tagged ‘Babies’

Babies Room Inspirations!

Ahhh, I do not have any baby fever myself, but who doesn’t love a cute little goo goo ga ga baby?  I’ve always enjoyed being in the presence of a little sweetheart, eyes a glow with the intake of life’s wonders, and wonderful heartfelt laughter.  Babies change people, lives, and the world.  Babies are beautiful creatures that inspire love on so many new levels in this world. I don’t want one, but I do so enjoy painting there tiny living quarters.  Thus, babies rooms are a place for innovation, creativity, and true love to shine.

I was inspired this morning by HGTV’s newsletter with 12 inspiring babies room, I’ve included my two favorite, and included one of my favorite babies rooms done by yours truly at LULU Painting to get your creative juices flowing.

Happy Babies!


This Preppy little girls Room is playful but holds a clean sharp design.   This can very easily be achieved with a nice supply of 3M tape, and a lot of patience!  I just love the shapes and play on traditional girls/boys colors in this room.  Muy excellente!


This little boys room is filled with the primary colors and I get giddy just looking at it.  Its filled with color, bursting out of every nook and cranny.  Again, some tape and patience and this lovely colorful burst of a room could be yours!


And lastly, here’s the one that we did.  It was a pottery barn inspired room, fit with the colors, blankets, and pillows to boot.  Little Liam surely had a sweet room to help him make room for his new little sister taking over the nursery.

This room took much longer than we had anticipated.  The paint we were using was duration and it took a long time to dry.  Then the original tape I had picked up left things looking really sloppy.  I had to re-tape just about every line with Froggy tape to clean things up a bit.  Anything with taping requires you take your time and make sure each and every piece of tape is properly tacked to the wall.  But, the finishes, are what always make it worth it!

Welcome Babies!  Welcome Spring!!!!

with love, LULU

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