
Posts Tagged ‘YOGA LOVE’


Let’s get on the Mat Together with CenterSpace!

Spring has arrived in Minnesota – Let’s celebrate with a little love for our core after a long winters rest. CenterSpace Pilates studio will be with us each Saturday in April for our Complimentary class to guide us through more effective ways to use our spine and core to make day to day life a bit easier ~ Great! We also have a great selection of new Groove pants and crops to choose from – stop by and browse through our latest arrivals; we’d love to see you! Here is your weekly update on product. Click on the relevant link to learn more…

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uptown-collage-w-text-resizedI am in sweet wonderful love with a Yoga Studio.  Is that even possible?  YES!  Absolutely it is.  On Thanksgiving day I had some extra time on my hands so I decided I should do something that would benefit my mind, body, and spirit that did not involve the ever so fulfilling shoveling off food into my being.  I have known about Corepower Yoga since moving to Minneapolis three years ago.  Its daunting to me that I have put off attending yoga classes at this school for so long.

I was originally living in Uptown and a regular attendee at 360 Yoga Studio on Hennepin Avenue until they closed down.  The very first yoga school that I attended here in Minneapolis was actually Bikram’s College of India located on Lyndale Avenue in Uptown.  I was instantly turned off from the sweaty stinky rooms, filled with wet carpet which is unavoidable, a stench that never seems to leave, and instructors who although are fabulous, really want to motivate you to stick with each posture and do so by yelling at you and clapping there hands very loudly.

Now I understand that this is how Bikram designed his classes to be instructed, and if your looking for the truest form of Bikram then the studio on Lyndale is absolutely what you are looking for.  My best friend bought a full years worth for herself and is just smitten with the workout.

I am a cancer though, and this makes me very very VERY sensitive to my surroundings, and pressures of any kind.  Because of this sensitivity and my history practicing Ashtanga Yoga at Burlington College in Vermont I crave a more heart friendly and spiritually fulfilling practice, regardless of how many calories I burn during the class.

Last year, however when I was very physically active and craving the warmth and the release you receive in Bikram Yoga classes I went back to the studio on Lyndale. I attended fairly frequently despite my continual feelings of nausea, falling to my knees with a loss of energy, or just spending countless, exhausting hours debating whether I should be doing this to myself or trying to convince myself not to attend.  I received a beautiful body as the benefit, but my mind was in a constant struggle, not getting the spiritual filling it needed and wanted so badly.

Then for Christmas I went back to Vermont to visit with my family.  My Christmas present to myself was a week of Yoga at my first and favorite Bikram Yoga studio.  I was, at first feeling the same fears and doubts that I regularly did at the Minneapolis studio. I quickly realized there was no need for any of these self defeating fears once I walked into the studio to find students laughing and walking about enjoying themselves and of coarse…the wooden floors, (exhale a large sigh of relief, no stinky, sweaty carpets here).  I spent the next week, attending everyday and each class just got better and better.  I even got invited to attend the Advanced series which although was refreshing and inspiring to see, I am just not ready for.

Because of my deep and wonderful experience in VT, I came back to Minneapolis determined to keep the spirit alive and attend the Lyndale studio more frequently.  Within three months I found myself right back where I was before.  Hating it, dreading each class, praying for certain teachers, or less students, and then ultimately, I stopped attending.

Occasionally I would attend a class, sometimes it would be great, but mostly very uncomfortable, and far too un-nurturing for this gal here. AND THEN…I found COREPOWER!!!!!!!

It was more a distraction than anything at first.  I was trying to find something to fill the void but still get the heat during these cold winter months.  Its just like the studio in VT that I love so much in the sense that there are wood floors for easy cleaning, you get a free week of Yoga the first time you attend, and the classes are challenging, hot, loving, and filled with laughter and workshops of various postures.  Oh yeah…and sometimes they play some fun music too.

I’m hooked so much that I highly recommend COREPOWER YOGA to any and all of my little Yogi and Yogini friends and clients.  So far my favorites are the HOT Yoga classes.  I’m still soar now from this past Sundays class, but am also still enjoying the laughs and the posture fine tuning that came along with that class as well.

When it comes to HOT YOGA  this cancerian gal just needs to follow her heart!  As usual, it led me exactly where I wanted and needed to be. Namaste

For links of the Sudios mentioned please visit the links below:

COREPOWER http://corepoweryoga.com/

Bikrams College of India (Lyndale Ave. MPLS) http://www.bikramyogamn.com/

Bikram Yoga of Burlington: http://www.bikramyogaburlington.com

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